Ohh how I have forsaken you..

I read some of my old post and it brought back memories for me .. le sighs I'll try to post when I can .. who knows something enlightening will come through it ..

One of those days in my life...

This maps it and then some.. .feeling inspired to write my poetry again and paintings... seems like I found some inspiration after all..

Be nobody's darling;
Be an outcast.
Take the contradictions
Of your life
And wrap around
You like a shawl,
To parry stones
To keep you warm.

Watch the people succumb
To madness
With ample cheer;
Let them look askance at you
And you askance reply.

Be an outcast;
Be pleased to walk alone
Or line the crowded
River beds
With other impetuous

Make a merry gathering
On the bank
Where thousands perished
For brave hurt words
They said.

Be nobody's darling;
Be an outcast.
Qualified to live
Among your dead.

~Alice Walker

i lie but am only human..

these past few days have been tiring .. For starters i neglected to say that I gave up blogging for lent. (bites lips) I now truly appreciate my baby and all the other rad muffin rocking babies out there =) also am now EMPLOYED! lol yeah I know it took long enough but hey am paying bills. grr at my social life having to suffer though =/. I'm also just about done with my spring cleaning got distracted but I will be done just now. I was reminded the other day that "The people in your life are the best reflection of who you are and where you are in your development process." hmmm It made me look around and odee analyze people friends , associates and others I really need to get it together because it looks like a beautiful disaster. but on a lighter note am making improvements were needed and needless to say I'm HAPPY!

Evolving and Progressing - YOURS TRULY

Abandonment is a horrible thing :(

Therefore I'll stop being so Mia and take care of this baby of mine. More from me tomorrow .I promise (scouts honor)..



lol. Happy Holidays though =P

Face IT! ...FEAR

they say your past will haunt you...well I'm giving up my ghosts.

Confronted and Abolished . motto for the seasons

Happy Bornday to ME and my twin.....lol